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In the world of startups, it’s not about fitting the mold, but breaking it.

Sometimes, the weight of experience can be an anchor.

Startups don't need big corporation talent.

Large corporations?
• Predictable.
• Layered.
• Methodical.

• Chaotic.
• Lean.
• Passionate.

If you've navigated the corporate sea, you've mastered the map. But startups? They're exploring uncharted waters.

Ever wonder why?

Startups don’t just need a sailor, they need a pirate.

People who challenge the norm.

Who dive headfirst into ambiguity.

Who can pivot on a dime.

Having "Big Corp Inc." on your resume is admirable.

But it's not the golden ticket.

Startups look for:

1. Adaptability over a polished skill set.
2. Curiosity over titles.
3. Resilience over accolades.

It’s about mindset, not brand names.

Consider Elon Musk. No MBA, but he has a ferocious appetite for learning.

Or Julia Hartz, who jumped from MTV to co-founding Eventbrite.

Not traditional paths.

It's not about where you've been, but how you think.

So, for those eyeing a spot in startup wonderland:

Don’t flaunt your corporate badge too brightly.

Instead, showcase:

• Your hunger for new challenges.
• Your joy in unscripted scenarios.
• Your ability to build, break, and rebuild.

In the world of startups, it’s not about fitting the mold, but breaking it.