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Eric Spofford, Exited Entrepreneur & Investor | Think About Dying

At this point, true success is not about money or wealth. It's about the positive impact you leave behind.

Yes, provide financially for family and future generations. But real success is measured by the lives you improve.

Regularly envision your death. Morbid but clarifying. It prompts reflection - what will your legacy be?

Will people remember you mainly for wealth? Or for bettering other people's lives?

The greatest contribution is using your talents to help others in need. That is real success.

Take inventory of your unique abilities. How could they be applied to serve people and make a transformative difference?

Use your strengths and skills to lift up those around you. Spread more light before your own fades.

Generational wealth makes small, short-term ripples. A legacy of humanitarian impact creates waves that can resonate for generations.

What gifts could you impart? Whose lives might you meaningfully improve? That is enduring success.

Envision your mortality, then examine your life. How will you be remembered when gone? What positive legacy will you impart?

That is true success - improving lives long-term through social contribution. So how will you spend your remaining days? Stockpiling assets? Or bettering humanity?